Wednesday 17th June
Spellings: Common Exception words
Suffix: You are learning lots of spellings using different suffixes. Watch this BBC clip to learn more about suffixes.
Maths: Yesterday you were identifying lines of symmetry in shapes. Today I would like you to click this link to an online ''shape blocks' app ( it also is tablet friendly) and create your own shape pattern but it must be symmetrical.
Bronze - your pattern should have 1 line of symmetry ( either horizontal or vertical)
Silver - your pattern needs to have 2 lines of symmetry (a horizontal and a vertical line of symmetry).
This is the app but I suggest you click on the red circled 'i' to find out what you can do to move, resize, colour etc the shape blocks and I found it easier to click the other red circle icon as it gave my screen grid lines so I could make my symmetrical pattern accurate.
Make sure you challenge yourself and you try and make a complicated symmetrical pattern such as...
English: Another important skill to develop when reading is retrieving and recording information. Today I have uploaded some reading tasks to practise this skill. Choose the appropriate level for your reading understanding.
Bronze -
Click here for the BRONZE reading task.
Silver -
Click here for the SILVER reading task.
Gold -
Click here for the GOLD reading task.