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Wednesday 13th May

English L.O: To create character descriptions using inference.

Today we are beginning our next class book: The Stolen Sister by Joan Lingard. Take a look at the front cover and blurb of the book to get an idea of what the story will entail!

                                 Front Cover                                                                              Blurb















Activity 1: Listen to Chapter 1 of 'The Stolen Sister' on the Learning --> Stories page of the website. Before you start listening, create the following three sub-headings with room to list at least 5 adjectives (describing words) under each in your home learning books:

                               Elfie                                         Joe                                    Alfred Trelawney 

Activity 2: Whilst you are listening to Chapter 1, create three separate lists of adjectives (describing words) to describe the characters of 'Elfie', 'Joe' and 'Alfred Trelawney' under their sub-headings (we do meet many more characters in this chapter but I would consider these three to be the more significant characters in Chapter 1). Make sure these adjectives link to personality as well as appearance. If you would like to, draw what you believe these three characters look like, labelling these pictures with your adjectives to describe them.

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

Click the following link to recap how to use ellipsis.

Using Ellipsis in Writing

On this webpage, there are two videos for you two watch (make sure you read the text that accompany each) and three activities for you to complete. Follow these videos and activities carefully and share any writing you produce for Activity 2 (Iron Man Description) or Activity 3 (Spooky Story Opening) that you are particularly proud of on J2E Bloggy!

Year 5 L.O: To find equivalent fractions.

Activity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. This is a topic we have covered in class but today is an opportunity to consolidate and solidify this existing understanding



Activity 2: Complete the worksheet below titled 'Y5 Fluency (Maths)'. The answers are also attached below, (Y5 Fluency Answers). Mark your answers once you are done.

Activity 3: For more fluency activities linked to equivalent fractions, open up the file below titled 'Y5 Further Fluency' to give you the opportunity to get to grips with this topic. The answers are on the final page for you to mark your work against once you are done.

  • Bronze: Complete Page 1
  • Silver: Complete Page 2
  • Gold Complete Page 3
Year 6: L.O: To divide fractions by integers.

Activity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. 



Activity 2: Complete the worksheet below titled 'Y6 Fluency (Maths)'. The answers are also attached below, (Y6 Fluency Answers). Mark your answers once you are done.

Activity 3: For more fluency activities linked to multiplying fractions, open up the file below titled 'Y6 Further Fluency' to give you the opportunity to get to grips with this topic. The answers are on the final page for you to mark your work against once you are done.

  • Bronze: Complete Page 1. 
  • Silver: Complete Page 2
  • Gold Complete Page 3
R.E. What would Jesus do? Is it possible to live by his teachings in the 21st Century?

See if you can remember all of our school values. All of our values are based on stories from the bible. Read each passage and see if you can link it to the correct value. Mark 4:35-41 Jesus Calms the Storm, Luke 21:1-4 The lesson of the Widow’s Mite, Luke 10:25-37 The Parable of the Good Samaritan, Matthew 18:21-35 The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant, Luke 22:55-62 Peter denies Jesus three times, Matthew 7:24-27 The wise and foolish builder, Luke 15:11-32 The Parable of the Prodigal Son. Check your answer on this page Answers

Read the dilemmas below. Consider how our school values should apply. Think carefully about what you would do. Many times, it is easy to justify not following the values. Do you think in the long-term it would make you more or less happy if you chose to go against the values? Why?

1. A girl is taken to a carnival by her dad. It is her tenth birthday and he’s promised her that she can choose any 5 rides. But as they approach the gate, he discovers that he’s forgotten his wallet. This is the last day of the carnival and it’s too far to go home and come back before it closes. He counts the change in his pockets and tells his daughter that he has enough money to pay the entrance fee and they can go inside and look at all the exhibits and the parade, but there wouldn’t be any money for rides, OR she could lie about her age and say she was five and get in for half-price, which would leave enough money for the 5 rides. They walk to the gate and the ticket seller asks the girl, “How old are you?” What should she say?

2. You are spending the afternoon with a friend of yours who isn’t very popular. You run into a group of your friends who invite you to go to a movie but they say that your unpopular friend can’t come.

3. You are in an art class at school. The teacher tells the class that today each student is to paint a painting of their best friend in the class. The class is uncomfortable with this, and one student points out to the teacher that some kids will have lots of kids painting them, and other kids won’t be chosen at all. The teacher insists that this is what the students should do. Almost all of the students don’t want to do this.

What should you do?
Is it disrespectful to disagree with your teacher?
With your parents?
Your friends?
Can you disagree and still be respectful?

4. You have a little sister who is very sick. The only way to save her is to inject many kittens with the illness she has and experiment with various medicines to see if they will work.

What should the doctors do?
Do animals have a right to life?
Are we justified in using them in experiments?
In eating them?


At a time where we all find ourselves indoors for the most of the day, we should bear in mind how important daily exercise is for our health and wellbeing, particularly our mental health. If you are able to, take your device somewhere with plenty of space (even the garden on a nice sunny day) or clear some space in front of your computer and follow along with Joe Wicks for a 30 minute workout. I will definitely be doing the same!

OR alternatively, Mrs Lightfoot has uploaded some very exciting links to other online PE sessions which you can access by following this link:  Alternative P.E. Ideas