Values groups
From year 3 onwards, all children are assigned to a values group which is actively involved in leading school development. Each group elects a chair and a Vice. These chairs represent the school on the school council which meets every half-term.
Our values groups meet every Monday to focus on projects which will improve our school and discuss progress with their chair person, who provides feedback to our school council.
The groups are as follows.
Wellbeing and Safety (Miss Rixon & Mrs Shelley) - These children lead on how we as a school ensure we prioritise well-being, keeping healthy, safe and being happy. They help to educate how to stay safe online and ensure that our technology and curriculum is up-to-date. They also consider any other safety concerns around school.
Reading Leaders (Miss Harvey) - Lead the school library improvements and encourage a reading culture around the school. They instil a love of reading and reading for pleasure amongst all our pupils.
Little Rotters and wildlife (Mrs Lench & Mr Darling) - Care for the chickens and school guinea pigs. They help to develop and improve the school grounds so we can encourage wildlife to build their homes and become part of our whole school community.
CREW & Community (Mrs Lightfoot & Mrs Gregory) - Lead on the school values through collective worship, spirituality in the school and event days. They evaluate our school's collective worship and organise the charitable work that the school is involved in. They are responsible for leading the way we connect with people and our world. Partners seek opportunities to create and sustain partnerships in the community, with other schools and internationally.
Eco and sustainability (Mrs Birch & Mrs Postlethwaite) - Manage projects to ensure that the school is as eco-friendly as possible. Eco consider how we connect and support our world so when we leave Abberley School we have the understanding how we can continue to live Eco friendly sustainable lives.
Friendship (Mrs Gibbons) - Our friendship leaders make sure that no one is left out and everybody feels included in our school.