Tuesday 31st March
Well done to the BOYS for winning the class tournament. If you look below you can see I have shown the top top 4 players for both teams. A special well done for Jay (boys) and Darby (girls) for being the top players. How close were the first and second positions for the girls! Can you work out the difference?
Phonics: Write out your spellings (using your best handwriting) and then individually cut the words out. Spread the words on your floor and ask an adult (or sibling) to remove one of the words. Your challenge – Bronze - Can you remember what the missing word is?
Silver – Can you put the missing word into a sentence and verbally say it?
Gold – Can you spell the missing word?
- station
- fiction
- nation
- fraction
- section
- action
- Challenge words are below
- education
- foundation
- competition
- direction
- operation
- solution
Repeat the game taking away different words.
English: After creating and writing such super poems last week, we are going to write an Easter poem this week which includes verbs and similes, and also develop our performance poetry skills. So today is the first lesson to get us thinking.
Read the poem and then can you find the verbs? (Remember a verb is a doing word. You will be able to act it out)
Activity 1: Make a list of the verbs in the poem.
Activity 2: Can you replace the verbs with different ones and then read it aloud with actions to exaggerate these new verbs? e.g.. All we saw as he crawled past us, (as you read it crawl along the floor to add some performance).
Activity 3: Act out being the animals below, thinking how they move. Can you list any verbs to explain how they might move around? If you have access to a thesaurus either online or a book can you gather a wider range of verbs.
Maths: 5 minutes warm up - Ask your parents to set your clock to a time and then read the time. How many can you get correct in 5 minutes?
Today we are going to practise our addition methods. Watch my clip below and then have a go at answering some addition questions. Select your level of challenge. If you find your level too easy then try the next level up.
Bronze |
Addition up to 50 |
Silver |
Addition up to 100 |
Gold |
Addition of HTU numbers |
Extra challenge: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/mental-maths-train Click on the + carriage then select a game mode.
Monty wanted to show you that he helped Elliot tidy up his bedroom. Have you helped out with a job in your house?
Have you seen the whole school photography challenge? If not, click on the learning tab, class pages and there you will see the competition. Good Luck.