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Tuesday 14th July

English L.O: To infer character feeling from text-based evidence.

Activity 1: Listen to  Chapter 23 AND Chapter 24 of 'Skellig' on the Learning --> Stories page of the website. As you are listening, try to answer the following questions (the answers are attached at the bottom):

Chapter 23

  1. Who comes to visit Michael?
  2. What does she bring with her?
  3. Whom does Mina quote to Michael?

Chapter 24

  1. Skellig has moved when Michael and Mina return to Crow Road. Where do they find him?
  2. What is he trying to do?
  3. How do Michael and Mina try to make him comfortable?
  4. What do they find when they take off his jacket?

Activity 2: Open the file below titled 'Chapter 23 Activity'. In Chapter 23, it is clear that Mina and Michael have very different opinions about school: Michael attends school and Mina is home schooled. Interestingly, you all now have an idea of what is like to be in school and taught from home. Use the table on the attachment to write down some thoughts that Michael and Mina might have about school based on their different experiences.

Activity 3: Open the file below titled 'Chapter 24 Activity'. Use this worksheet to record your ideas of what Skellig might be. Once you have written down your different ideas, use the text to back up your ideas with evidence/ a quote.

Year 5 L.O: To calculate angles in a triangle

Activity 1: Re-watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. 



Activity 2: Open up the file below titled 'Y5 Reasoning & Problem Solving' and complete either the Bronze, Silver OR Gold page. Use the answers on page 5 to mark your work when you have finished.

  • Bronze: Page 1
  • Silver: Page 2
  • Gold: Page 3

Activity 3: For a challenge, open up the file below titled 'Y5 Platinum Challenge' and complete either the Bronze, Silver OR Gold page. Use the answers on page 4 to mark your work when you have finished.

  • Bronze: Page 1
  • Silver: Page 2
  • Gold: Page 3
Year 6 LO: To calculate the area of a parallelogram.

parallelogram is a quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel (and therefore opposite angles equal).

Activity 1: Re-watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. 



Activity 2: Open up the file below titled 'Y6 Reasoning & Problem Solving' and complete either the Bronze, Silver OR Gold page. Use the answers on page 5 to mark your work when you have finished.

  • Bronze: Page 1
  • Silver: Page 2
  • Gold: Page 3

Activity 3: For a challenge, open up the file below titled 'Y6 Platinum Challenge' and complete either the Bronze, Silver OR Gold page. Use the answers on page 4 to mark your work when you have finished.

  • Bronze: Page 1
  • Silver: Page 2
  • Gold: Page 3
History L.O: To explore how changes in 20th century technology affect our lives today.

Activity 1: Watch the following clip which gives you an insight into how gaming evolved over the late 20th and early 21st century. 



Activity 2: When you have finished watching the clip, write three sentences about what you have seen.

  • Sentence 1: needs to use the word ‘bigger’.
  • Sentence 2: needs to use the word ‘smaller’.
  • Sentence 3: needs to use the word ‘control’

Activity 3: You have just seen how much gaming has changed over the last century. Huge changes have taken place in other technologies also.

  1. Open the '20th Century Technology Activity Sheet' attached below.
  2. Cut out the pictures.
  3. Put the 20th century technologies in the order that you think they were first being used by most people. This may involve some Internet research

I want you to imagine that you are part of the developing technology world.

A team of software engineers from Silicon Valley want to create an app designed to give parents and children information about their school.

Activity 4: Make plans for your app using the 'School App Planning Activity Sheet' attached below.

Activity 5: You have received an email from those in Silicone Valley in response the app planning you submitted. Take a look at it below:

Activity 6: Answer the following questions:

  1. Do you think this is a fair price?
  2. How will you persuade parents to part with their money?
  3. Do you think parents should have to pay for this service?

Activity 7: Throughout this short topic, we have explored the following influences on people’s leisure time in the 20th century. Take a look and decide which one you think was the most important/ influential. Write a paragraph justifying your choice.

