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Monday 13th July

English L.O: To draw inferences from Michael's dream.

Activity 1: Ask an adult or older sibling to test you on the new 10 spellings you received on Monday 6th July and make a record of your score in your home learning books. 

Activity 2: Listen to  Chapter 21 AND Chapter 22 of 'Skellig' on the Learning --> Stories page of the website. As you are listening, try to answer the following questions (the answers are attached at the bottom):

Chapter 21

  1. Michael and Mina decide to get the man out of the garage at what time that night?
  2. How will they wake each other up?
  3. What word does Mina use to describe the man, and Michael use to describe Mina?

Chapter 22

  1. How does the man say he feels when Michael and Mina try to move him from the garage?
  2. When the man gets up for the first time, what do Michael and Mina notice about his age?
  3. How do they move him?
  4. Where do they take him?
  5. What is his name?

Activity 3: Go back to Chapter 22 and listen to the description of Michael's dream. Open the file below titled 'Michael's Dream Activity Sheet' and choose three key images from his dream and draw them in the boxes. Then, think about what the images tell us about Michael and how he is feeling and what he is worried about.

Activity 4: Open the following link to access today's BBC Bite size lesson on verbs and modal verbs: Lesson.

  1. Remind yourself of what a modal verb is by watching the learning videos and reading the information.
  2. Open up the file below titled 'Modal Verbs Mini Test' and answer questions 1-5. Once you have answered all questions, mark your answers using the last page of this document.
Year 5 L.O: To calculate angles in a triangle

Activity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. 



Activity 2: Click the following link to access today's first fluency task and answer questions 2-6: Y5 Fluency.

Activity 3: Mark your fluency task using the following answer sheet: Y5 Fluency Answers.

Activity 4: Open up the file below titled 'Y5 Challenge' and complete one of the following pages. Mark your work once you are finished using the file below titled 'Y5 Challenge (Answers)'

  • Page 1: Bronze
  • Page 2: Silver
  • Page 3: Gold
Year 6 LO: To calculate the area of a parallelogram.

parallelogram is a quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel (and therefore opposite angles equal).

Activity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. 



Activity 2: Open the file attached below titled 'Y6 Fluency'. and complete questions 1-6. Mark your work once you are finished using the file below titled 'Y6 Maths Fluency (Answers)'.

Activity 3Open up the file below titled 'Y6 Challenge' and complete one of the following pages. Mark your work once you are finished using the file below titled 'Y6 Challenge (Answers)',

  • Page 1: Bronze
  • Page 2: Silver
  • Page 3: Gold
Art L.O: To learn the basics of Pop-Art and the style of artists.

Activity 1: Open the following link to this week's Art lesson: Art Lesson

  1. Read through the 'Learn' information.
  2. Watch the video on 'Marilyn Diptych' by Andy Warhol'
  3. Watch the video on 'Schaukeln' by Wassily Kandinsky'
  4. Watch the video on 'Arnolfini Portrait' by Jan van Eyck'

Activity 2: Follow along with Tate to create your own pop art in the style of Andy Warhol: Instructions

You can make a selfie artwork, similar to 'Marilyn Diptych', for which you will need a smartphone or a digital camera, a printer, six coloured pens or pencils and paper.

You can also design your own soup can in the style of 'Campbell's Soup Cans', for which you will just need a pencil and paper.

Y6 Leavers Celebration

As you may have seen on last week's newsletter, tomorrow, at 2.30pm on the school field, Y6 will be celebrating the end of their time at Abberley. During this celebration, Y6 will be singing two songs. For those of you in Y6 who will be attending the celebration but are not currently in school, it would be brilliant if you could learn the following two songs in preparation:

Count on Me (Bruno Mars)



History (One Direction): See adapted lyrics attached below



