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Monday 11th May

Hi Everyone, we hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend and managed to celebrate VE day with your families, safe at home. Please if you haven't already, send in your celebration pictures, either to j2e or to We'd love to see them. 

English: LO: To choose our next class book. 

Reading to you at school is one of my favourite things to do as a teacher. I love to share stories and get the chance to enjoy and be excited about them together and I really would like that to continue, even though we are apart. Below, there is a tab where you will find the 'blurb' or 'summary' of a few different stories. I had a few of you recommend books and I have included these in the list too. Once you have read each summary, you have to chance to vote- watch the video below to find out how to vote. (You will need to be on j2e to do this!)

You only get to vote ONCE- so choose wisely. The book with the highest amount of votes will be purchased and available for you to listen to as soon as possible. Votes will be counted and checked on Tuesday at 10am. 




Miss Hughes’ group – L.O. To compare fractions

You are continuing your work with fractions. Today you will be comparing unit fractions (fractions with a numerator of 1) or fractions with the same denominator. It is easy to think that ½ is smaller than ¼ as 2 is smaller than 4, but that isn’t the case. When you divide something into more equal parts, it makes each part smaller. Watch the video below and then do the attached worksheet.




Mrs. Gregory & Mrs. Postlethwaite’s group – L.O. To compare decimals

Today you are going to be using your understanding of place value to compare numbers with decimals with up to two decimal places. Being able to use 0 as a place value holder is so important and you will have to do this when comparing numbers. Have that place value grid handy yet again! Watch the video below and then do the attached worksheet.




Art: LO: To draw with Rob. (Back by popular demand!) 



Don't forget to share your images for our shared, online gallery!