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This week we are going to recapping some of our learning on money.

Day 1.

Today we are going to be looking at the physical properties of coins.  Click on the link below to access the Oak Academy teaching video on this.   

Physical properties of coins

Take a look at some coins.  What do you notice?  Are they all the same?  Can you sort them by colour or size?  Can you make some rubbings of them using crayons to look at the patterns on them?

Shrap app lets you pay in cash but get change on your phone | Bournemouth  Echo

Day 2.

For the next 2 days we will be working on recognising the different value of coins.  Please use the link below

To recognise the value of coins part 1

Have a go at the coin recognition activity sheet attached below.

Day 3.

Today we will be continuing our work on recognising the value of coins.  Please use the link below 

To recognise the value of coins part 2

Now have a go at the cut and stick sheet attached below and see if you can order the coins by value.

Day 4.

Today we will be learning about comparing different amounts of money.  Once you have accessed the video below

find some coins and see how many different ways you can make 10p.

Comparing different amounts of money

Double Headed Coin | Double Sided |Gimmicked 10p Coin – Easy Magic

Day 5.

Today we are going to be thinking about using our money to pay for items in a shop.  Once you have accessed the video below have a go at setting up your own shop - you could sell toys or fruit.  Ask your grown-up to help you make some price labels and then take it in turns to be the customer and the shopkeeper.  Can you work out which coins you need to pay for each item?   

Exchanging money for items

Preschool enjoy role… | Independent Primary School Buckinghamshire