Friday 3rd April
REMINDER: Don't forget to join myself, Mrs Gregory, Mr Turvey and the rest of Merlins' class on 'Zoom' at 12pm today! The meeting ID: 147762319. I look forward to seeing you! :) English: L.O: To make comparisons between texts.Activity: Listen to chapter 13 of 'Pig Heart Boy' on the Learning--> Stories page of the website. Year 5Activity 1: Open up the file below titled 'Y5 Reading Comprehension'. Here, on page 1, a few different people (a pupil, a teacher, a parent and a local newspaper reporter) are expressing their views on how well the school's carol service went. Read these reviews before moving onto the next page, where you should tick the appropriate boxes to show how you think each person rated the several aspects of the children's performance. Activity 2: Mark your work using the answers attached below titled 'Y5 Reading Comprehension Answers'. Year 6Activity 1: Open up the file below titled 'Y6 Reading Comprehension'. Here, on page 1, you will find two quite different reviews of the same restaurant, showing very contrasting views. Read these reviews before moving onto the next page, where you should compare the phrases used to describe the atmosphere in the restaurant. For example, in the positive review the phrase 'the gates of Eden' is used and in the negative review the phrase 'so-called Paradise' is used.Find as many phrases as you can which show each review as either positive or negative. Activity 2: Mark your work using the answers attached below titled 'Y6 Reading Comprehension Answers' |
MathsFor today's Maths activity, complete one page of your Mental Arithmetic book. If you are able to, mark your work with a parent, adult or older sibling at home. |
Art: L.O: To draw a zentangle.The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. We call these patterns, tangles. ... These patterns are drawn on small pieces of paper called "tiles." We call them tiles because you can assemble them into mosaics. Activity: Open up the attachment below titled 'Zentangle Challenges' to find out more about zentangles and explore the challenges I have set for you! |
P.E.At a time where we all find ourselves indoors for the most of the day, we should bare in mind how important daily exercise is for our health and wellbeing, particularly our mental health. If you are able to, take your device somewhere with plenty of space (even the garden on a nice sunny day) or clear some space in front of your computer and follow along with Joe Wicks for a 30 minute workout. I will definitely be doing the same!