Friday 27th March
English: L.O: To comprehend a challenging text using inference and deduction.Activity 1: Attached below is a Bronze, Silver and Gold 'Reading Comprehension Task'. Please select one and complete this activity by reading the text and answering the questions that follow in FULL sentences. (It has been brought to my attention that the Gold task is missing a part of the text, if you choose this level, please complete the questions that you can. Alternatively, I have attached an additional Gold reading comprehension task at the bottom of this page. Answers are included for you to check your work once you are finished) Activity 2: Once complete, listen to Chapter 6 of 'Pig Heart Boy' which can be found on the Learning --> Stories page of the website (28 mins long) In addition to completing these tasks, I would highly recommend reading a challenging book of your choice for a minimum of 30 minutes per day. |
MathsFor today's Maths activity, complete one page of your Mental Arithmetic book. If you are able to, mark your work with a parent, adult or older sibling at home. |
Art L.O: To use a pencil to sketch a realistic eye.Below is a great, detailed video that demonstrates how to use only a pencil and a rubber to draw a 'realistic eye'. Watch the video from start to finish and listen to Rebecca as she talks through each step of the process. Once you have a good idea of where you should start and the steps you need to follow, have a go on a plain piece of paper. If you are able to, once finished, stick your sketches into your Home Learning books. Below, I have also included my attempt at following her instructions. I thoroughly enjoyed this activity and I certainly did not know how to draw an eye before watching! Enjoy!