Friday 24th April
English L.O: To comprehend a challenging text using inference and deduction.Attached below are three reading comprehension texts and questions all about our Geography topic: Mountains! These files are titled 'Mountains Reading Comprehension' Activity 1: Choose either the Bronze, Silver or Gold reading comprehension, open up the file and carefully read the text all of the way through. Once you have read this text, you will find the comprehension questions at the end. In your home learning books, answer these questions in FULL sentences (the reader should be able to work out which question you have answered using only your answer). Activity 2: Once these questions are complete, you will find the answers for the Bronze, Silver and Gold tasks attached below. Either independently or with an adult or sibling, mark your answers carefully. |
Activity 2: Click the link below to access White Roses' 'Friday Maths Challenges'! You do not need to complete them all but attempt as many as you can! |
ComputingCoding: L.O. To use variables in the context of a gameWe are going to move on to Lesson 3 today. Remember, if you go wrong, you can always reload the template and start again. This session is all about experimenting and trying things out. Coding can be difficult so have a play and see what you can do! Most importantly, enjoy what you're doing :) Log onto J2e and then click on J2Code. Along the top of the page you will see the links to the lessons. Click on Year 5/6 Lesson plans. Click on Lesson 3 Watch the video and then click on the lesson plan icon: Scroll down the page and click on the link for an example of what you are going to do: Play this a couple of times, until you are sure what you are meant to be doing then click on the template: This is what you are going to use to complete the following tasks: Task 1. Add in code to decrease the score by 3 when the rocket crashes. (Use the “set score to” block. Task 2. Add in a “lives” variable so that the game ends after 3 crashes. You will need to broadcast “game over” when lives is equal to 0. Challenge: Why not see if you can “clone” the planet sprite and change it to a different planet. Then experiment with the code so the object of the game is to hit the new planet. Look at the example "planet strike" and try making various changes to it.
P.E.At a time where we all find ourselves indoors for the most of the day, we should bare in mind how important daily exercise is for our health and wellbeing, particularly our mental health. If you are able to, take your device somewhere with plenty of space (even the garden on a nice sunny day) or clear some space in front of your computer and follow along with Joe Wicks for a 30 minute workout. I will definitely be doing the same! OR alternatively, Mrs Lightfoot has uploaded some very exciting links to other online PE sessions which you can access by following this link: Alternative P.E. Ideas