Friday 22nd May
English L.O: To retrieve and record information from a non-fiction text.Activity 1: Listen to Chapter 8 of 'The Stolen Sister' on the Learning --> Stories page of the website. For the activities below, it is my recommendation that Y5 complete the Y5 activity and Y6 complete the Y6 activity. However, the skills involved are very similar therefore if you are Y5 and find the Y5 task too straight forward, attempt the Y6 task for a challenge and likewise if you are in Y6 and find the Y6 activity too challenging, complete the Y5 task which you should be able to complete without many issues.
MathsActivity 1: Complete one page of your Mental Arithmetic book. If you are able to, mark your work with a parent, adult or older sibling at home. Activity 2: Click the link below to access White Roses' 'Friday Maths Challenges'! You do not need to complete them all but attempt as many as you can! As Y5 & 6, you should focus on challenges 3-10. Activity 3: Attached below is a blank certificate for you to print when you have completed as many challenges as you can! |
ComputingL.O. – To use your coding skills to complete some Scratch challenges This is your last week on coding and so I want to see the skills you have learned over the past few weeks. I have four challenges for you (attached below) to try and complete. You do not have to do all of them but please share with me, je38 , (Mrs. Gregory), the ones that you do. |
P.E.At a time where we all find ourselves indoors for the most of the day, we should bear in mind how important daily exercise is for our health and wellbeing, particularly our mental health. If you are able to, take your device somewhere with plenty of space (even the garden on a nice sunny day) or clear some space in front of your computer and follow along with Joe Wicks for a 30 minute workout. I will definitely be doing the same! OR alternatively, Mrs Lightfoot has uploaded some very exciting links to other online PE sessions which you can access by following this link: Alternative P.E. Ideas
OR Fight Song Dance Along