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Friday 12th June

English L.O: To predict what might happen from details stated or implied. 

Activity 1: Listen to Chapter 18 of 'The Stolen Sister' on the Learning --> Stories page of the website.

Year 5

Activity 2: Open up the file below titled 'Y5 Reading Activity'. Today, we are going to be using the skill of 'prediction'. This is going to involve you reading the text (or part of it) and then using your knowledge of what is happening or what has happened to predict what will happen next. There are 3 pages of activities for you to complete today. 'What's Next?' requires you to read the beginning of 9 sentences and complete them using your predictions of what will happen next.' How Do Things Turn Out?' and 'Pets and Pests' will require you to read some short descriptions of events and decide what happens next.

Activity 3: Once you are finished, check your answers using 'Y5 Reading Activity (Answers)'.

Year 6

Activity 2: Open up the file below titled 'Y6 Reading Activity'. Today, we are going to be using the skill of 'prediction'. This is going to involve you reading the text (or part of it) and then using your knowledge of what is happening or what has happened to predict what will happen next. There are 3 pages of activities for you to complete today. 'Then What Did They Say?' requires you to read the beginning of 9 different conversations. You will need to read the hints (the start of the conversations) and then write down what you think was said in response. For 'Futurist Movies' you will need to read 4 scenes from films. Put yourself in place of the characters in order to explain where they were, what happened next of hat was said.

Activity 3: Once you are finished, check your answers using 'Y6 Reading Activity (Answers)'.


Activity 1: Complete one page of your Mental Arithmetic book. If you are able to, mark your work with a parent, adult or older sibling at home. 

Activity 2: Click the links below to access today's Maths Challenges!

Read through all of the information and slides and watch the video on this webpage before attempting the four activities at the bottom of the page.

Computing L.O.: To create a Powerpoint on a topic of your choice.

Over these last few weeks of term, I am going to set you a range of challenges so that you can showcase all of the computing skills that you have.

This week’s challenge is to create a powerpoint on a topic of your choice. It could be about your favourite hobby, your favourite author, a period in history that fascinates you, anything as long as there is enough information to hold my interest!

Your powerpoint MUST include:

  • At least 6 slides
  • A colour scheme
  • Interesting fonts
  • Pictures/photos
  • Sound
  • Hyperlinks
  • Creative transitions and effects

This is your opportunity to be as creative as you want and at the same time, be extremely informative!

If you don’t have powerpoint at home, you can log into J2e, click on J2office and then select Present.

Please share your work with me on J2e. My username is je38.


At a time where we all find ourselves indoors for the most of the day, we should bear in mind how important daily exercise is for our health and wellbeing, particularly our mental health. If you are able to, take your device somewhere with plenty of space (even the garden on a nice sunny day) or clear some space in front of your computer and follow along with Joe Wicks for a 30 minute workout. I will definitely be doing the same!

OR alternatively, Mrs Lightfoot has uploaded some very exciting links to other online PE sessions which you can access by following this link:   Alternative P.E. Ideas