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Day 3


Click the link below to access Lesson 3 which is a reading activity linked to 'The Firework Makers Daughter' by Phillip Pullman. Today, you will be using inference questions to analyse the main character in the book.

Lesson 3



Year 6: L.O: To multiply fractions by integers.

Activity 1: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson. This is a topic we have covered in class but today is an opportunity to consolidate and solidify this existing understanding.



Activity 2: Attached below is worksheet titled 'Y6 Maths: Fluency'. Open up this attachment and answer questions 1-15. Once you have completed all 15 questions, open up 'Y6 Maths: Fluency (Answers)' and mark your work.


Open the attachment below titled 'History Lesson: Evidence'. Have this file open alongside my instructions below. Do not skip ahead and read each page carefully.

  1. Stop on Page 2: You are a secret agent and need to find out about this person. You rummage through their bin and find the following items. Consider the answers to the following questions.
  2. Stop on Page 4: What word is missing here?
  3. Stop on Page 6: Using the pages you have already read, complete the gaps in the sentences on Page 6.
  4. Stop on Page 7: Create a table in your book like the one on this pag and group the items by which type of evidence they are.
  5. Stop on Page 11: Fill in the missing gaps in this sentence.
  6. Stop on Page 13: Complete the sentences.
  7. Stop on Page 14: Set out your page like this
  8. Stop on Page 15: Use the pictures of the many pieces of evidence to group them into two groups: primary and secondary sources (Larger pictures are attached below).