Day 3
English Watch the short film for a final time:
Sequence the main events of the story 1-10. Write a diary entry from the persepctive of the main character using the thoughts and feelings you collected yesterday and the sequenced events of the story you have written today. Here's a checklist of the key features to use when you write a diary entry.
Maths Year 6: L.O: To calculate scale factorsActivity 1: In week 1, we explored scale factors and how to use them. Today, we are going to go back to this topic and explore how we can calculate scale factors. To remind yourself of how to use them, watch this clip below:
Activity 2: Watch the demonstration video below for today's lesson.
Activity 3: Once you have watched this video, click the link below to access the activity booklet to complete in your home learning books. Please put the question number you are answering in the margin if you are not completing your work on the sheet. Activity 4: Check your answers once you are done using the link below. |
History Open the attachment below titled 'History Lesson: Dates 2'. Have this file open alongside my instructions below. Do not skip ahead and read each page carefully.