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Day 2


L.O. To reason and problem solve with equivalent fractions

You are carrying on with equivalent fractions today and are going to use what you learned yesterday and apply it to answering reasoning and problem solving questions.

Did you manage to find a rule to help you? You will find equivalent fractions easier the better you know your times tables. Also, drawing pictures might also help so you can see how the fractions are equal.

Remember to explain your reasoning carefully and to always double check your answers! I have put the link for yesterday’s video below so you can watch this again to help you if you need it.

I have attached Bronze, Silver and Gold activities for you to try. Remember, you don’t need to do all of the sheets. Do the one you are most confident with and then challenge yourself to try the next level.




LO: To write a postcard based on the journey of the little red boat.

Watch the video of the little red boat. It goes on a journey, but where? It’s your job to create a post card writing home all about your journey. Remember the little red boat is the main character, so your post card should be written from its point of view.

Remember to include sentences that are short but give the reader a really good idea of what happened. The tab at the bottom has a template you could use.



LO: To research and interpret information about Dr. Thomas Barnardo

During your history lesson today you will be learning all about Dr. Thomas Barnardo. You may have heard of the charity ‘Barnardo’s’ which was set up to help families and believes that all children have the right to a happy and healthy life.

Watch the video below of an actor who talks as Thomas Barnardo. Use this video and the link to the Barnardo’s website to research more about what he did and why.



Link to Barnardo's website for more information

Open the document at the bottom of this page to complete a fact file on Dr. Barnardo.