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This week we are going to recap some of our learning on Time.  

Day 1.

Please use the link to the Oak Academy to learn about naming and ordering the months of year.  Can you use your knowledge to create a birthday calendar for your family showing all the different months?

Oak Academy - months of the year

Birthday Calendar - ESL worksheet by tachita

Day 2.

Today we are going to be learning about sequencing events in chronological order.  Use the link to the Oak Academy to help you.  Can you use your time words (first, second, next, then, after, last) to produce a time-table of your getting up routine in the morning?

Oak Academy - sequencing chronological events

Day 3.

Today and tomorrow we are going to practise telling the time on a clock.  If you are new to this activity use the lesson below to practise telling the time to o'clock.  If you are more confident click on the link to learn about telling the time to half past.  There are some worksheets below to practise both skills.

Reading and writing the time to o'clock part 1

Reading and writing the time to o'clock and half past part 1

Clocks - Learn to tell time - EasyRead Time Teacher

Day 4.

Please use the links below to continue our work on telling the time on a clock.   Can you produce a daily timetable for your day showing the clock faces using o'clock or half past times?

Reading and writing the time to o'clock part 2

Reading and writing the time to o'clock and half past part 2

Day 5.

Today we are going to learn something a bit different and learn about position and direction. Use the link to the Oak Academy below to access the teaching video.

Position and Direction

See if you can direct a family member around the house. Make it more difficult by asking them to close their eyes!  Alternatively if you have a programmable or remote control toy - can you build a maze out of your construction and programme your toy to travel around the maze?

Counting with a Block Maze and Remote Control Car | Inspiration Laboratories

Alternatively you can use the link below to access J2e and practise moving the Sprite around the maze using your directional knowledge.

J2e sprite