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Monday 8th June


Miss Hughes’ group – L.O. To subtract money

Today you will be using different methods to subtract money. Sometimes you will be able to physically remove the coins, and other times you will need to use your knowledge of converting money to exchange £1 for 100 pence. You can also use number lines to count on or back to calculate the difference between two amounts.

Watch the video below and then do the attached worksheet.




Mrs. Gregory & Mrs. Postlethwaite’s group – L.O. To find the perimeter of simple shapes

Your next few lessons will be about finding the perimeter of shapes. You are going to start with finding the perimeter of simple rectangles. You should be able to find a couple of different ways to do this: adding all the sides together, and adding the length and width together then multiplying by 2.

Watch the video below and then choose either Bronze, Silver or Gold fluency activities for today. Pick the one you feel most confident with and, if you complete this, maybe challenge yourself with the next level up.



English: LO: To use apostrophes to show possession

This week- we will be focusing mainly on SPaG (Spelling and Grammar) 

Today's lesson is really useful and comes from the BBC Bitesize website. 

Possessive apostrophes shows you that something BELONGS to or is CONNECTED to something else. 

This is a tricky grammar rule and takes lots of practice to master. Take your time and ask an adult to help you if you get a little stuck. 

TOP TIP: Apostrophes are NEVER used when making turning a word into a plural-

For example:

The plural of elephant is elephants.

The plural of cat is cats.

The plural of fly is flies

If you have any questions, comment on a piece of work on j2e and share it with me: MissHughes.

Click on this link to find the lesson: POSSESSIVE APOSTROPHES

Art: LO: Draw with Rob

It's been a little while since we've had a session with Rob Biddulph. When I was in school last week with the Year 1 children we drew the Gregosaurus and the whale from the world record attempt. They really enjoyed it- so if you have younger (or older) siblings, see if they want to join in too!