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Thursday 4th June

English: LO: To learn about and answer questions on the Tyrannosaurus

The Natural History Museum in London is full of amazing history and a brilliant day out. As we can’t go there, they are bringing it to you at home, you can access a virtual tour via this link!

Today, your English is based on dinosaurs- specifically the Tyrannosaurus. The tab at the bottom of the page has everything you need.


DT: To create your own origami Tyrannosaurus

Take a look at this link. The Natural History Museum has a step-by-step guide on how to make your own T-Rex by folding paper. 

Have fun! 


Spellings: Mrs. Gregory & Mrs. Postlethwaite's group

This week's spellings are in your files on J2e. You can also practise your spellings on J2Blast. Don't forget to ask a member of your family to test you on last week's spellings!



Miss Hughes’ group – L.O. To reason and problem solve with adding money

Yesterday you were reminded about how to add money Today you will be using this knowledge to answer reasoning and problem solving questions. Remember to explain your answers if you are asked to, answering yes or no isn’t explaining!  You can watch the video from yesterday again if you need to.

I have attached Bronze, Silver and Gold activities for today. Pick the one you feel most confident with and, if you complete this, maybe challenge yourself with the next level up.




Mrs. Gregory & Mrs. Postlethwaite’s group – L.O. To reason and problem solve with ordering money

You are carrying on with ordering money again today. I want you to answer reasoning and problem solving questions. Remember to explain your answers if you are asked to, answering yes or no isn’t explaining!  You can watch the video from yesterday again if you need to.

I have attached Bronze, Silver and Gold activities for today. Pick the one you feel most confident with and, if you complete this, maybe challenge yourself with the next level up.




Computing: L.O. To create a snowy day animation

This lesson might seem a bit odd, seeing as we’ve had such lovely weather recently! I want you to create a snow day animation which will involve you designing your own background and snowy images. As always, have fun and if it goes wrong, just start again :)

Click on this example to see what you are going to design:


* Which part of the animation are drawn in the background?

* Which parts are added into the frames?

Task 1

Use the paint tools to create your own snow scene, remembering to make a background first.

Click on this example to show you what you are trying to achieve:

Task 1 example

Task 2

Create your own snowy day scene showing a child disappearing under the snow.


Can you create an animation showing a snowman being built?

Please remember you can share any of your work with me (je38).