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Reception transition

We are so excited to welcome you to our community. Over your time with us, we look forward to sharing amazing moments with you and your families and hope to support you on this wonderful journey through your first years in school. 

Welcome packs will be sent out early in June and we will endeavour to seek to make transition into our school as smooth as possible for your children.

This section of the website is regularly updated, so please check back for further information. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any specific enquiries (

Please see the powerpoint attached below for some photographs and information about Wrens Class.

Meet the Wrens Staff Team.

Mrs Lightfoot (Full time Class Teacher)

Mrs Lench (Full-time Teaching Assistant)

EYFS Curriculum in Reception.

Reception follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. The children learn through a combination of whole class teaching, focus group activities and continuous provision.  Please see the Early Years curriculum page on the website for further information on our curriculum.

At Abberley we follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics programme.



This is taught throughout Reception and Year 1.  If you would like to find out more about the scheme, please use the link below.

Little Wandle Parents Resources

First Day of School.

Drop off and Collection.

Children should arrive at school from 8.40am for 8.50am registration.  We appreciate that there will be some flexibility over these timings for the first few days.   In the afternoon, collection for all pupils is at 3.20pm. Drop off and pick-up for children in Wrens and Skylarks will be in the rear playground. Please use the left gate and enter via the side of Wrens classroom onto the rear playground. 

What to bring on the first day?

Please bring a named water bottle and a waterproof coat on the first day.  We try to have outdoor play as much as possible, so it is always useful to have a coat in school.

Milk and fruit.

The children are provided with free milk (up until their 5th birthday) and a free piece of fruit in Key Stage 1.  Once the children are 5, you have the option to continue paying for them to receive milk.  There is always a selection of fruit available.  We ask that any additional snacks that are sent to school are fruit-based.

Book bags.

All children starting in Reception will be gifted a book bag by the school.  Please name them and, if possible, add a key ring as it makes it much easier for your child to identify their bag.  Please send your child's book bag to school each day as they are used to transport letters and books to and from school.  

School lunches.

Hot dinners and packed lunches will be available to order from Red Hen Cookery (fully funded for children in Reception and Key Stage 1) or parents are welcome to send a packed lunch from home. Children eat in the lunch hall with their classmates. Packed lunches from home should come into school in a lunch box or bag which can be hung on their peg.

PE and Outdoor Learning.

Reception have PE once a week. Whilst this usually takes place on a Thursday, we ask that the children's PE kit is kept in school (blue school PE t-shirt, black shorts or joggers, black hoodie and trainers or pumps) as the children may take part in additional PE activities over the course of the week.  

Wrens will also have outdoor learning once a week.  We have waterproof trousers available in school for the children.  However, if you have a spare pair of wellies which can be left at school, we would be very grateful.  Children will also need a waterproof coat for outdoor learning lessons.

Please can you ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name.

Wrap around Care.

Please find information on our Wrap Around care Abberley Acorns by following the link - Abberley Acorns 

If you have any further questions about the arrangements for September please email the School Office.

We can't wait to see you September!