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Tuesday 12th May

Spellings:  Have some fun and see how good your mom or dad are at spelling your words. Use your finger and carefully spell out each of your spelling words, one letter at a time, on your mom or dad's back. Can they say which word you are writing? Try swapping, then it is your turn to try to FEEL and spell! 

English: I would like you to listen to the story again of ' How to wash a Woolly Mammoth,' but as you are listening I would like you to imagine yourself trying to wash one of your favourite teddies. Following the same steps as the book , what problems and solutions might you have?



I have written out the steps from the book.

Activity:  Today I would like you to play with your favourite teddy and act out the story but I would like you to slightly change steps 3,4,5,6,7 and 8. Think about:

Step 3 - What animal will you add and how will you tempt him/ her into the bath?

Step 4 - Start scrubbing. Which part of your teddy can you not forget?

Step 5 - Wash what? Careful .....?

Step 6 - Make a splash!

Step 7 - Shampoo. What different hair styles will your teddy have? Be careful not to get shampoo where...?

Step 8 - Where has your teddy jumped to? How will you solve this problem and get him/ her down?

As you are playing try and use 'imperative verbs' and 'prepositions' to explain what is happening. 

Maths:  TT Rockstars - Well done to the boys for winning. Top boy players were Isaac, Emile and Harrison and the top girl players were Eloise, Jessie-Mai and Niamh. Well done to all players. 

Today we are comparing number sentences. Watch and learn from this video and then choose your level of work from below. 



Activity: Choose your level of challenge from below. You do not need to complete all the different levels. 

Bronze - PDF questions below. Comparing number sentences  < > signs. 

Silver - read and complete the problems.

Gold:  Read and answer the problems.

Geography: Continuing with our journey to learn about different countries. Today we are travelling to Africa - Nigeria. You will be learning about Nigeria - its environment and culture, with an introduction to the wider continent of Africa including South Africa and Kenya. Happy travelling!